This annual event begins at the start of Daylight Saving Time when most Americans lose an hour of sleep. The change to Daylight Saving Time reminds us to make beneficial changes in our sleep routines to improve our sleep health. Campaign updates will happen here and at so check back often.
Sleep Awareness Week spotlights the importance of sleep in our daily lives and encourages everyone to learn about habits, practices, and routines that improve our sleep quality and overall health. To kick off Sleep Awareness Week this year, the National Sleep Foundation has released findings from their 2020 Sleep in America Poll.
It probably won't come as a surprise that the average U.S. adult feels tired during the day at least three out of seven days each week. More than a quarter of us feel tired five to seven days a week. Some attribute their drowsiness to not getting enough sleep, while others claim poor sleep quality is to blame. Ultimately, most people drink a cup of coffee and go about their day without adjusting their bedtime routines. As a result, they repeat the same poor sleep cycle week after week.
The poll also found that many people who are tired during the week experience some unpleasant side effects. More than half of our respondents who feel tired at least five days per week reported headaches, while about 40 percent say their tiredness makes them irritable. Roughly one-third of these respondents say they generally feel unwell. Others say lack of sleep impacts their ability to focus, perform at work, and complete daily tasks.
Getting enough sleep is key to a good night's rest. For adults between the ages of 18 and 64, we recommend seven to nine hours per night. People who are 65 and older should make sure they're sleeping seven to eight hours a night.
If you frequently feel tired during the day, there are measures you can take to ensure a better night's rest. These include maintaining a comfortable bedroom temperature, minimizing exposure to noise and natural light while you sleep, and avoiding caffeine or alcohol before bedtime. A comfortable mattress, supportive pillow, and breathable sheets also go a long way.
On behalf of the National Sleep Foundation and, we wish you a happy Sleep Awareness Week and a good night's rest 52 weeks a year.