What is a Sleep Study
What is the purpose of a sleep study?
A sleep study is the most comprehensive way to collect information for your physician about what is happening with your body while you are sleeping. From this information we can identify sleep disorders or abnormalities related to your sleep needs. Among other things, we will be monitoring your heart activity, breathing, brain waves and muscle activity during the night.
Will I have my own room?
Yes, you will have your own room. All rooms have a TV with DVD player if you want to watch a movie before bed.
How does a sleep study work?
Once it is time to begin the study, you will be hooked up with about 20 small wires which will help us gather the information from your study. When all the devices are connected you can lie down and go to sleep. There are no needles used at all in this process. It is designed to be as non-invasive as possible.
Will I be able to sleep with all those wires on me?
Most patients say that once all the wires are on they forget about them and have very little trouble sleeping. The wires are arranged in a manner that will allow for you to move and roll around in bed.
What happens if I need to use the bathroom during the night?
You can get up to use the bathroom as often as necessary during the night. Just let your technician know.
What should I wear?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. We suggest pajama shorts or pants and a tee shirt. Some of the wires run under you clothing so that you won't get tangled up in them.
What should I bring?
It is important to remember to bring any medication that you usually take before bedtime or when you wake up in the morning. Our facility does not provide medication of any kind and your sleep tech cannot administer any medication for you. If you will require special assistance, please let us know during the scheduling process so that we can work with you to make special arrangements.
Also, please bring current copies of your insurance cards, loose comfortable clothes to sleep in and any specific toiletries that you will require. Although pillows are provided you may prefer to bring your own.
How long will my sleep study take?
You will spend the whole night at the sleep lab. In the morning, most studies end between 5:30 and 6:30 a.m. After all the wires have been removed you are free to go. If you need to wake up by a specific time in order to get to work, please let your technologist know when you come in for your test.
Can my spouse come?
Our sleep facility is a controlled clinical environment designed to document a lot of data about each patient's sleep. We do not allow 3rd parties including family members to spend the night in the facility. The only exception is for parents who might accompany a minor child in which case we make available a recliner for the parent in question. If you are being dropped off or picked up by a family member, please note that they must leave right after drop-off or arrive for pickup only after the entire study is concluded.
When will I know the results?
In most cases, results are delivered to your referring doctor within 3-4 business days of the end of your study. By that time your reports have been reviewed and interpreted by board-certified and credentialed sleep clinicians. We recommend that you follow up with your doctor a week or so after your visit to the sleep lab.
What is the address of the sleep lab?
Our Frisco facility is located on Stonebrook Parkway between the North Dallas Tollway (Dallas Parkway)
and Preston Rd/289. The physical address is:
How can I reach the lab if I have trouble finding it?
Our After Hours phone number is 214.225.8870. Please only use this phone number in urgent situations when you are headed to the lab for an in-lab sleep study and need assistance.
7600 Stonebrook Pkwy. Suite 200
Frisco, TX 75034